Episode 10

Building a Successful Online Coaching Business w/Dr. Matt Shiver

Let me tell you about Dr. Matt Shiver, who started his online coaching gig back in 2015. He was all about helping weightlifting and powerlifting athletes get ready for local and national competitions. While he was busy studying physical therapy full-time at Duke University, he got the chance to learn from Travis Mash and Glenn Pendlay.

As he was about to graduate, he figured out that being an in-person physical therapist would keep him in one place, stuck with a 9-5 job. He had this urge to travel and explore. By that time, he already had four years of online coaching under his belt, so he knew that going all-in on an online business would give him the freedom he wanted.

But here's the thing—he didn't know how to get more leads or grow his business. He was only getting clients through word of mouth, and his online presence was pretty much nonexistent. He tried posting every day, but after three months, he still had no new sales. Bummer, right?

That's when he stumbled upon "sales funnels" and "paid advertising." Even though people warned him about the risks, he took the leap anyway. And guess what? It paid off big time! In just 90 days, his business doubled from $3,000 to $6,000 a month. He kept fine-tuning his strategy, and a year later, he was raking in $12,000 a month in profit.

Dr. Matt couldn't keep this magic formula to himself, so he started sharing it with other coaches. They also saw amazing results, which inspired him to create the "Coach's Growth Accelerator." It's all about giving other coaches the skills and tools he's been using for the last seven years to make a big impact online.


Now, Dr. Matt's been helping companies hit seven-figure goals, crushing six-figure launches, and even getting newbie coaches to make over $10,000 a month in just six weeks of working together.

These days, Dr. Matt lives in Austin, TX, and travels the world with his girlfriend (who's also an online coach) and their two adorable golden retrievers, Lily and Jax. When he's not helping coaches level up their businesses, you'll find him working out, hiking, doing yoga and breathwork, or just chilling with friends over a cup of coffee.

About the Podcast

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The Committed Man
Rise Above & DOtheDamnWORK!

About your host

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Donovan Owens

After being in leadership positions and doing lifestyle coaching for over 20 years, I had a calling to turn my attention toward reigniting commitment in men. Us men have a deep desire to live as the highest versions of ourselves, while being loved, trusted and respected. I've created a lifestyle operating system that allows men to show up as the greatest version of themselves and live with unrecognizable excellence.